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Somewhere in Your Sky
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Somewhere in Your Sky

The album is a reflection on a trip I took from Arkansas to California in 2008. 
With everything I owned packed in my Jeep, I headed West with hopes and dreams of a new life.


I lived in my car, traveling city to city in search of meaning and purpose. 
I instead found myself spending time with other homeless folk, drifters, wanderers, monks... People with fascinating stories and lives who had faced the most bitter winds of existence.


They were beautiful in their own way.


Many experiences brought me to a point, high on a hill in a park, where I had a dream. My body shot itself into the heavens, where a being of light and energy said the words 
"V'lo Vinin Shino." The being placed a veil over my head. Under the veil, I saw Arkansas. I saw my friends and family. I saw the next 5 years of my life play out before me. 

It was that moment, that I saw my place in reality was not in California. I was needed elsewhere.


After getting one final night of sleep in my car, I began to drive. I drove for 30 hours back to Arkansas, only stopping for gasoline, with my first order of business upon my return being 
a visit to my favorite Chinese restaurant.


Reed used voice, piano, guitar, nature, and synths to produce this album.

Front and rear cover art were photographed by Reed on 35mm film on his journey. 
Written, Recorded, and Mastered by Reed Means in his home studio.

©2020 Reed Means Music

35mm Photos taken on the trip.

Reed Means
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